Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hey Fellas!

Long time no post.  Lets Change that!

Heres one I did the other day!

I recommend doing this when your entire body is recovered, and you don't plan on hitting the gym for another 2 days.

The 3 Barbells of death!

reps from 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Bench Press (something that is medium weight at 10 reps)
DeadLift (recommend 60% of max weight, I max around 455+, I stuck with 245 for this one)
Power Clean (recommend staying near 115lb) if its to heavy drop to 95lbs)

Go through all 3 exercises before going down to the next rep number.

Bench 10reps deadlift 10reps Clean10reps
Bench 9 dead 9 clean 9
and so on....

Get out there and kill it!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Heavy Lifting for Heavy Gains!

So, I haven't been around much lately, but thats turning around.  I have been trying to pack on some hard muscle and pounds lately, so im going to run you through a chest and tricep routine I hit the other day that left me screaming like a little kid.

Remember, train to failure and when I say 1 rep, I mean your full blown out MAX!

- Warm Up -
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 air squats
20 DU's (double unders)


in between each set, perform 5 perfect and slow push ups (this goes for every exercise until the workouts complete)
Flat Barbell Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Flat Dumbbell Flyes


Parrallel Bar Dips (weighted)

Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

Rope Pushdowns

Single Arm Cable Kickbacks (slow and controlled)

Now me, I usually throw Double Unders in my workout, just to keep my heart going, and to hit a little cardio without zoning out at the wall in front of a miserable treadmill.  So every other exercise, between each set, if your up for some more work, dig deep, push yourself and knock out 40-50 DU's