Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hey Fellas!

Long time no post.  Lets Change that!

Heres one I did the other day!

I recommend doing this when your entire body is recovered, and you don't plan on hitting the gym for another 2 days.

The 3 Barbells of death!

reps from 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Bench Press (something that is medium weight at 10 reps)
DeadLift (recommend 60% of max weight, I max around 455+, I stuck with 245 for this one)
Power Clean (recommend staying near 115lb) if its to heavy drop to 95lbs)

Go through all 3 exercises before going down to the next rep number.

Bench 10reps deadlift 10reps Clean10reps
Bench 9 dead 9 clean 9
and so on....

Get out there and kill it!

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