Saturday, December 8, 2012

08 December 12

Not to much longer.  8 more days and the fracture should be good, and splint taken off.  I can't wait to put some weight up, taking it slowly though.  Definitely don't want to force another injury.  In the mean time, here is a good WOD me and a few guys did here in the Stan.  Kicked the living shit out of us, I think if I count um up, I probably almost met pukie about 7 times.  Hit it up if you wanna kill yourself!!


07 12 2012

for time
five rounds of:

  • 1/4 mile sprint
  • 20 leg raises
  • 1 minute plank
  • 20 roman chair sit-up
  • 20 24" box jumps
  • 20 med-ball crunches
  • 20 hyper extensions

We got this one knocked out in 34:07

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