Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hey Fellas!

Long time no post.  Lets Change that!

Heres one I did the other day!

I recommend doing this when your entire body is recovered, and you don't plan on hitting the gym for another 2 days.

The 3 Barbells of death!

reps from 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Bench Press (something that is medium weight at 10 reps)
DeadLift (recommend 60% of max weight, I max around 455+, I stuck with 245 for this one)
Power Clean (recommend staying near 115lb) if its to heavy drop to 95lbs)

Go through all 3 exercises before going down to the next rep number.

Bench 10reps deadlift 10reps Clean10reps
Bench 9 dead 9 clean 9
and so on....

Get out there and kill it!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Heavy Lifting for Heavy Gains!

So, I haven't been around much lately, but thats turning around.  I have been trying to pack on some hard muscle and pounds lately, so im going to run you through a chest and tricep routine I hit the other day that left me screaming like a little kid.

Remember, train to failure and when I say 1 rep, I mean your full blown out MAX!

- Warm Up -
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 air squats
20 DU's (double unders)


in between each set, perform 5 perfect and slow push ups (this goes for every exercise until the workouts complete)
Flat Barbell Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Flat Dumbbell Flyes


Parrallel Bar Dips (weighted)

Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

Rope Pushdowns

Single Arm Cable Kickbacks (slow and controlled)

Now me, I usually throw Double Unders in my workout, just to keep my heart going, and to hit a little cardio without zoning out at the wall in front of a miserable treadmill.  So every other exercise, between each set, if your up for some more work, dig deep, push yourself and knock out 40-50 DU's

Friday, March 29, 2013


-warm up-

2 rds:

10 air squats

10 S2O w/ barbell

40 unders


AMRAP 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups



For Time:
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Here is 13.1 the first workout posted for the Crossfit Opens.  Doesn't look like much, but trust me when I say, the burpees completely killed us.  So soak up some damn heart and see where you land!


The burpees are performed with chest and hips touching the ground, and jumping 6 inches up and touching a target.  If only one hand makes contact, you may re-jump without going back to the ground, but must continue to jump until both hands make contact.

The snatches are to your preference.  Power snatch, muscle snatch, what ever the snatch may be you are most comfortable with, as long as the bar is caught above the head.  The rep does not count if you have to press the bar from your shoulders or any where below your head.  Arms and legs must be locked and controlled before you may lower the weight.  The lifter is the only one aloud to touch teh bar and change weights.  The grader may not touch or remove weights by any means.  Men must make sure hte weight comes into contact with the ground, touch and go.  Women when using the 45lb bar do not have to lower to the ground, but must hang below the knees on each rep.

“CrossFit Games Open 13.1″
17-Minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 75# / 45#
30 Burpees to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 135# / 75#
20 Burpess to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 165# / 100#
10 Burpees to a 6″ target
AMRAP Snatches 210# / 120#

Monday, March 4, 2013


We have been doing a lot of circuit training, and it has been kicking our asses to death!  Heres what we plan to get into tonight! get at it!

-Warm up-

3 rds of:

10 push ups

10 heel to butt air squats

10 sit ups


4 rds of:

10 bench press w/ 10 chest to bar pull ups

5 hang cleans w/ 10 kettlebell swings

10 bent over rows w/ clapping push ups


50 kettlebell snatches

50 push press

50 sit ups

50 ring push ups


Jump rope 5 min w/2 mile run

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Its been awhile, to make up for lost time.... kick your ass with this one we'll be doing tonight!!


02 26 2013
-Warm up-

3rds of:

10 push ups

30 unders

10 box jumps


5 rds (not timed) of:

5 Deadlifts w/ 10 ring rows

5 - 90 deg squats w/ 10 pull ups

5 Overhead squats w/ 10 kettlebell push up rows


100 push press

75 burpees

50 GHD sit-ups

25 L shaped pull ups

-Stretch 10 min-

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Bench Press
Dead Lift


4 rds of:
10 jumping pull-ups
20 box jumps
10 toe to bars
20 push press
10 kettlebell snatches (single arm)
20 ft farmers carry (AHAP)


jump rope/50 wall ball shots in 10 min

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

-13 FEB 13-



100 pull ups

100 push ups

100 sit ups

100 squats


Run for 30:00

At moderate pace


Row 2000m


15 min stretch


Thursday, February 7, 2013


07 02 2013


7 rds of:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters
5 front squats
3 clean and jerk

5 rds of:
10 dips
10 box jumps (34" box)
10 GHD situps
10 kettlebell snatches (each arm)
10 wall ball shots
10 toe to bars

jump rope and 100 hammer swings in 10 minutes
(partition swings as needed)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

CrossFit Salerno Afghanistan

Another day, another pain in the ass WOD

I dont think any of us are ready for tonights workout, it should be fun.   Here are a few pics from the other night when we ran into the filthy fifty.

Good times!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Here is a little workout I put together to really really test your limits.  You may want to quit, and you will most likely throw up, but try it out and see where you get to!

“Count by 10’s”

0 Whining
10 Squats
20 Deadlifts
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
60 Wall ball shots
70 Sit-ups
80 Burpees
90 Push ups
100 Push presses

1 arm handstand

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday..... Fun!

Today we are going to take the camera in and see how this one goes.  Take a look at our form, and things we could do better.  I think, personally, with this workout, theres nothing you can do, its going to suck every fucking minute of it!!

Filthy Fifty!

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Work Out

So, I have been trying to do a lot more exercises to help my wrist out, its getting there.  I guess I'll let you know how it feels after knocking this one out of the park tonight!

16 01 2013

5 rds of:

Thrusters to Overhead Squats
Kipping Pullups
Hammer Swings
Push ups
Air Squats
Wall Ball Shots

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So, today im trying to stick to more fat burning, slow intense heavy lifting, then light weight fast and high rep bullshit.  Im trying to pack on some mass, so if thats what you are trying to do, this workout is for you.

Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Flat dumbbell flyes

Machine dips w/Parallel bar dips

V bar pushdowns

Cable Kickbacks

Cable crunches

Roman Chair

Wood Choppers

This should be great!

Monday, December 31, 2012

31 Dec 12

A good compound excercise to go with for chest is bench press... So thats exactly what we're going to do tonight.  A little bit of Bench, Ehhhh I'd say about 7 or 8 sets of it.... depending on how i feel.  I'll let you know how it goes.

"31 12 2012"

Bench Press

4 rds of:
Cable Flyes w/ push-ups
15 w/20 PU's

Bar Dips (weighted)

Rope Pushdowns

Cable kickbacks

WoodChoppers (both sides)

Cable crunches

Finish her off with

3 rds of:
1/4 mile run
250m row

This one should feel pretty fucking good.....

Let me know what you think

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29th Dec 2012

We are going to hit arms pretty good today, followed by a nice WOD I have chosen for the occassion.  Considering my back is still in fucking pain from the deadlifts nearly a week ago.  Good news for me, Deadlifts are coming up in the next few days! FUCK

"29 12 2012"


Incline dumbbell curls

Dumbbell hammer curls

Single reverse cable curl

Close grip Bench press


Cable kickbacks

Once that is complete do 4 rds of:

  • 25 GHD situps
  • 300m row
  • 10 woodchoppers (both sides)
  • 7 floors of stairmmaster
  • 10 burpees

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Blow off some stress and try this one..

"27 12 2012"

3 rds of:

Barbell Thrusters




kettlebell swings


front dumbbell raises


bar dips


You should feel great after this!

If your up for it, finish off with some endurance:

1/4 mile sprint
250m row

for 4 rds!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Tonight we are going to completely fucking destroy our backs.  If you are up for a nice trip to visit Pukie then try this one out.

"26 12 2012"

In between each set of deadlifts you will do 20 pullups, if you can't get 20 straight partition them in the least amount of sets as possible until you do get 20.


warm up:


(remember to get your 20 pullups between eachset)

4 rds:
1 min plank
15 GHD situps (25lbs ball or plate)

Post Your weights and see how you compare!


Today, still taking it light with the recovering fracture, we worked on some upper body strength, blew core away and still got some rowing in.  If you want to really fucking feel it the next day, try this one out!


Bench Press
20 (135lbs) - 15 (185lbs) - 12 (225lbs) - 8 (235lbs) - 8 (235lbs) - 20 (135 lbs)

Incline Press

Pec Flyes

(high) 15-15-15 left, 15-15-15 right
(low) 15-15-15 left, 15-15-15 right

GHD situps
30-30-30 w/ 10 toe to bars in between sets

Then to finish this hell of a workout off:

1500m Row


Friday, December 21, 2012


Everyone is well aware of the incident that took place a few days ago that took the lives of 20 children who were spending a normal day at school, and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  In memory of every child, staff  and families of the ones who were taken on Dec 14th in Newton, Conn.  We are dedicating this one to them.

"Sandy Hook"

for 4 rounds:

  • 20 pull-ups (with vest)                                                   
  • 6 Deadlifts (should struggle for the last rep)                
and then to finish it off

  • 1 mile row (1609 meters)                     

In memory of:

Madeleine Hsu, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Dylan Hockley, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Josephine Gay, 7
Daniel Barden, 7
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Rachel D'Avino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, School Psychologist
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Grace Audrey McDonnell, 7
Victoria Soto, 27
Jesse Lewis, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Emilie Parker, 6
Noah Pozner, 6

PHOTO: Twenty-six lanterns are seen in the village near the Sandy Hook Elementary School following a shooting that left 26 people dead, 20 of them young children, in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 15, 2012.

"21 12 2012"

Alright, the cast is off, and I am eager to get back where I left off.  It will take a week or two to get the strength and flexibility back in my wrist, so I will most likely take this next week slow. 


4 rounds for time of:
  • 100 pound Dumbbell snatch, 10 reps
  • 200 foot Sprint


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Heres a challenge for all of you out there.  Go through this and tell me the fun and excitement.

For time:
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
20 Sit-ups
20 Box jump, 24" box
20 Push-ups
135 pound Clean, 20 reps
20 Double-unders
20 Thrusters, 35 pound dumbbells
20 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 20 reps
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
95 pound Push press, 20 reps
20 Dips
95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 20 reps
20 Burpees
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
20 GHD sit-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
135 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
20 Knees to elbows
135 pound Front squat, 20 reps


WOD (core for today)

13 12 2012


Abs Workout
ExerciseRepsStatic Hold
Weighted Sit Up 5
Plank 10 Seconds
Cable Crunch 5
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 10 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 10
Plank 20 Seconds
Cable Crunch 10
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 20 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 15
Plank 30 Seconds
Cable Crunch 15
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 30 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 20
Plank 40 Seconds
Cable Crunch 20
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 40 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 25
Plank 50 Seconds
Cable Crunch 25
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 50 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up AMAP
Plank 60 Seconds
Cable Crunch AMAP
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 60 Seconds

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Although I cant do to much using my hands and arms right now, A few buddies of mine went through with "barbara" last night.  I know this one with a quick glamps looks like nothing.  Let me know what you think about 10 minutes into this pain in the ass.


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

see if you can knock each round out under 3 minutes....

08 December 12

Not to much longer.  8 more days and the fracture should be good, and splint taken off.  I can't wait to put some weight up, taking it slowly though.  Definitely don't want to force another injury.  In the mean time, here is a good WOD me and a few guys did here in the Stan.  Kicked the living shit out of us, I think if I count um up, I probably almost met pukie about 7 times.  Hit it up if you wanna kill yourself!!


07 12 2012

for time
five rounds of:

  • 1/4 mile sprint
  • 20 leg raises
  • 1 minute plank
  • 20 roman chair sit-up
  • 20 24" box jumps
  • 20 med-ball crunches
  • 20 hyper extensions

We got this one knocked out in 34:07

Monday, December 3, 2012

Squat low, Real low

Today all focus goes to legs.  Still can't go to heavy on squats becuase of the fracture, but we can make lighter weight that much harder.  This one I promise will have your ass screaming for mercy!


03 12 2012

  •  DEEP Squats

for three rounds:
  • 1/2 mile run
  • walking lunges 10m out 10m back

I'll post our times for the 3 rds tomorrow, as for squats we will be sticking around 225# and going DEEEEEP!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Splint comes off in roughly 2 weeks, while its still on, Im still killing cardio/endurance, core and legs though.  Here is what me and the guys did last night.  Killllled us. You may meet pukie


02 12 2012

  • 1/4 mile sprint
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions
  • 1 min of plank
  • 20 roman chair sit-ups
  • 20 medicine ball crunches
for 5 rounds

We finished this one at 30:47..............

Post your times!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Still recovering from the fracture, I thought I would be in good shape to perform this WOD!

28 11 2012

  • Squat

after squats, three rounds of:
  • Run 1/2 mile
  • Walking lunge 10m out 10m back

If you have a mask where it for the run and lunges!!