Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Abs....... everyone wants them.  Here are a few tips that may help you reach your goals.  Well first things first, lay off the damn sweets!

  1. To start this off, first thing is sweets.  Drop them, stop eating them and don't think about them.  You can do 1000 sit-ups everyday for the rest of your life, if you dont lose that extra layer of fat that is over the abdominal muscle you bust your ass day in and day out to get you wont ever see them. Which takes me to my next point....
  2. Cardio, it is a must that should be implemented into your routine if you plan to shed that extra fat off to show those abs you busted your ass for.
  3. Correctly eating, eat breakfast, it boosts the metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs for the day.  It keeps the body from breaking up muscle after hours of no intake.  Eat small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism up.  However, don't go overboard on dinner or the hours past, People aren't as active after dinner which shuts your metabolism down and your body stores all that unwanted fat and calories.  Each meal, on average, every 2-3 hrs should contain some sort of lean protein to keep your body from breaking up muscle for energy.  Eating constantly doesn't speed up your metabolism, but it does keep it burning calories for energy all day long!
  4. Lift weights, if your reading this, you already do, if not, what the fuck?  Lifting weights burns calories and builds muscle all over the body. With correct form on each exercise, you should be using your core which also targets your abs.  Cardio will get you to see these abs you desire, however without hitting the gym and throwing some weights around you lack developing the muscle we call abdominals to begin with.
  5. Stay hydrated, drink water consistantly throughout the day.  If you sweat a lot during your workout replace water with a sports drink to replenish the salts and minerals you lose through sweat.  Eat fruits before you workout rich with potassium like bananas and apples.
Bottom line, if your tired of being fat, tired of not getting the results you wish, Drop the Sweets, Drop the soda, pick up a bottle of water, eat all day (healthy), follow a weight or muscle building routine and burn as much fat as you can!  Until that fat is burnt you wont ever see what you have hiding under that lard!

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