Monday, November 19, 2012

Whey Protein

So I just woke up, and I figured what better thing to do than tell you one of the most important things you should do each morning, consume protein!  Your body, on average went roughly 5-8 hours with nothing being fed to it.  This starts muscle break down.  To prevent this, you need to fuel your body from those hours of rest and no intake.  What better way to do that then with Whey Protein.

Whey Protein

  • There are 2 types of whey proteins: Isolate and concentrate.  Concentrate is typically 75% pure protein by weight, Isolate being typically 90%.
  • Research has shown that this fast digesting protein is filled with BCAA's (Branched-chain amino acids) containing the highest levels known in any natural food source.
  • Whey protein is known throughout the fitness world for its fast digestion that gets protein to where it is needed fast!
  • Whey protein as well as a muscle building supplement is a great antioxidant that helps boost the bodies immune system.
  • Whey also has a major roll in muscle building and strength gains.  It is known for its fast speed that aids in the recovery of muscles.
  • A few great food sources that contain whey protein are: Chicken, Turkey, Lean red meats, Eggs, Fish and Cheese (which is also high in fat).

Whey protein, If your in it to see results, gains and strength, then you wont get far without this supplement in your diet.  Consuming Whey in the mornings prevent the body from muscle break down.  Try taking some prior to a workout and dont be surprised if you have more energy from the nutrients, oxygen and hormones that were pushed to your muscle.  It's cheap and it works, get with the program!

recommended uses:

30-40 grams in the morning to stop muscle breakdown
20 grams 30 minutes prior to your workout to fuel your body
40 grams post workout to give your muscles what they need to repair and recover themselves for your next appointment with the weights

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