Sunday, November 18, 2012


So, to kick off the day with some common knowledge, here are a few good reasons you should drink water consistantly throughout each day.  Sure everyone knows it's the best way to hydrate, it's great on a hot day and it's free!  However, how many people knew this:

  • Great hydration means great strength.  By letting your hydration levels drop by just 3% your strength levels can drop by 15%
  • Staying hydrated keeps you awake and provides energy for your body. Lack of hydration throughout the day will have you feeling fatigued all day.
  • Water aids in the digestive system, helps push muscle-building nutrients from your protein shakes/bars and meals to your muscles to begin the recovery process quicker.
  • Water is the main ingredient that makes up the fluid between your joints known as synovial fluid.  Healthy joints prevent injuries which could keep you out of the gym/box for weeks!

All in all, drink water.  Drop the soda, drop the juices and pick up a gallon and finish it today!

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