Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Wont Get Me Down"

So, with a little fracture in my right hand I'm going to have to lay off the weights and focus more on endurance and core for the next 4 weeks.  This isn't going to just be time off.....Come on......This wont keep me down....

"Wont Get Me Down"
With body armor, or weight vest

2 rounds:
  • 1 mile run
  • 10 min stairmaster
  • 10 min of plank
  • 50 leg raises
  • 50 kettlebell/dumbbell squats (55lbs)
Try to break the 10 minutes of plank and leg raises up in to the least amount of sets possible

This is a good one for core, legs and cardio........ should be fun!

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