Monday, December 31, 2012

31 Dec 12

A good compound excercise to go with for chest is bench press... So thats exactly what we're going to do tonight.  A little bit of Bench, Ehhhh I'd say about 7 or 8 sets of it.... depending on how i feel.  I'll let you know how it goes.

"31 12 2012"

Bench Press

4 rds of:
Cable Flyes w/ push-ups
15 w/20 PU's

Bar Dips (weighted)

Rope Pushdowns

Cable kickbacks

WoodChoppers (both sides)

Cable crunches

Finish her off with

3 rds of:
1/4 mile run
250m row

This one should feel pretty fucking good.....

Let me know what you think

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29th Dec 2012

We are going to hit arms pretty good today, followed by a nice WOD I have chosen for the occassion.  Considering my back is still in fucking pain from the deadlifts nearly a week ago.  Good news for me, Deadlifts are coming up in the next few days! FUCK

"29 12 2012"


Incline dumbbell curls

Dumbbell hammer curls

Single reverse cable curl

Close grip Bench press


Cable kickbacks

Once that is complete do 4 rds of:

  • 25 GHD situps
  • 300m row
  • 10 woodchoppers (both sides)
  • 7 floors of stairmmaster
  • 10 burpees

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Blow off some stress and try this one..

"27 12 2012"

3 rds of:

Barbell Thrusters




kettlebell swings


front dumbbell raises


bar dips


You should feel great after this!

If your up for it, finish off with some endurance:

1/4 mile sprint
250m row

for 4 rds!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Tonight we are going to completely fucking destroy our backs.  If you are up for a nice trip to visit Pukie then try this one out.

"26 12 2012"

In between each set of deadlifts you will do 20 pullups, if you can't get 20 straight partition them in the least amount of sets as possible until you do get 20.


warm up:


(remember to get your 20 pullups between eachset)

4 rds:
1 min plank
15 GHD situps (25lbs ball or plate)

Post Your weights and see how you compare!


Today, still taking it light with the recovering fracture, we worked on some upper body strength, blew core away and still got some rowing in.  If you want to really fucking feel it the next day, try this one out!


Bench Press
20 (135lbs) - 15 (185lbs) - 12 (225lbs) - 8 (235lbs) - 8 (235lbs) - 20 (135 lbs)

Incline Press

Pec Flyes

(high) 15-15-15 left, 15-15-15 right
(low) 15-15-15 left, 15-15-15 right

GHD situps
30-30-30 w/ 10 toe to bars in between sets

Then to finish this hell of a workout off:

1500m Row


Friday, December 21, 2012


Everyone is well aware of the incident that took place a few days ago that took the lives of 20 children who were spending a normal day at school, and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  In memory of every child, staff  and families of the ones who were taken on Dec 14th in Newton, Conn.  We are dedicating this one to them.

"Sandy Hook"

for 4 rounds:

  • 20 pull-ups (with vest)                                                   
  • 6 Deadlifts (should struggle for the last rep)                
and then to finish it off

  • 1 mile row (1609 meters)                     

In memory of:

Madeleine Hsu, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Dylan Hockley, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Josephine Gay, 7
Daniel Barden, 7
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Rachel D'Avino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, School Psychologist
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Grace Audrey McDonnell, 7
Victoria Soto, 27
Jesse Lewis, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Emilie Parker, 6
Noah Pozner, 6

PHOTO: Twenty-six lanterns are seen in the village near the Sandy Hook Elementary School following a shooting that left 26 people dead, 20 of them young children, in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 15, 2012.

"21 12 2012"

Alright, the cast is off, and I am eager to get back where I left off.  It will take a week or two to get the strength and flexibility back in my wrist, so I will most likely take this next week slow. 


4 rounds for time of:
  • 100 pound Dumbbell snatch, 10 reps
  • 200 foot Sprint


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Heres a challenge for all of you out there.  Go through this and tell me the fun and excitement.

For time:
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
20 Sit-ups
20 Box jump, 24" box
20 Push-ups
135 pound Clean, 20 reps
20 Double-unders
20 Thrusters, 35 pound dumbbells
20 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 20 reps
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
95 pound Push press, 20 reps
20 Dips
95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 20 reps
20 Burpees
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
20 GHD sit-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
135 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
20 Knees to elbows
135 pound Front squat, 20 reps


WOD (core for today)

13 12 2012


Abs Workout
ExerciseRepsStatic Hold
Weighted Sit Up 5
Plank 10 Seconds
Cable Crunch 5
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 10 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 10
Plank 20 Seconds
Cable Crunch 10
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 20 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 15
Plank 30 Seconds
Cable Crunch 15
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 30 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 20
Plank 40 Seconds
Cable Crunch 20
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 40 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up 25
Plank 50 Seconds
Cable Crunch 25
Side Plank (Left Hand Down) 50 Seconds
Weighted Sit Up AMAP
Plank 60 Seconds
Cable Crunch AMAP
Side Plank (Right Hand Down) 60 Seconds

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Although I cant do to much using my hands and arms right now, A few buddies of mine went through with "barbara" last night.  I know this one with a quick glamps looks like nothing.  Let me know what you think about 10 minutes into this pain in the ass.


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

see if you can knock each round out under 3 minutes....

08 December 12

Not to much longer.  8 more days and the fracture should be good, and splint taken off.  I can't wait to put some weight up, taking it slowly though.  Definitely don't want to force another injury.  In the mean time, here is a good WOD me and a few guys did here in the Stan.  Kicked the living shit out of us, I think if I count um up, I probably almost met pukie about 7 times.  Hit it up if you wanna kill yourself!!


07 12 2012

for time
five rounds of:

  • 1/4 mile sprint
  • 20 leg raises
  • 1 minute plank
  • 20 roman chair sit-up
  • 20 24" box jumps
  • 20 med-ball crunches
  • 20 hyper extensions

We got this one knocked out in 34:07

Monday, December 3, 2012

Squat low, Real low

Today all focus goes to legs.  Still can't go to heavy on squats becuase of the fracture, but we can make lighter weight that much harder.  This one I promise will have your ass screaming for mercy!


03 12 2012

  •  DEEP Squats

for three rounds:
  • 1/2 mile run
  • walking lunges 10m out 10m back

I'll post our times for the 3 rds tomorrow, as for squats we will be sticking around 225# and going DEEEEEP!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Splint comes off in roughly 2 weeks, while its still on, Im still killing cardio/endurance, core and legs though.  Here is what me and the guys did last night.  Killllled us. You may meet pukie


02 12 2012

  • 1/4 mile sprint
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions
  • 1 min of plank
  • 20 roman chair sit-ups
  • 20 medicine ball crunches
for 5 rounds

We finished this one at 30:47..............

Post your times!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Still recovering from the fracture, I thought I would be in good shape to perform this WOD!

28 11 2012

  • Squat

after squats, three rounds of:
  • Run 1/2 mile
  • Walking lunge 10m out 10m back

If you have a mask where it for the run and lunges!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012


I saw this one, and thought,"Damn I cant wait for my fracture to heal!"

If you are up for a good WOD, I highly suggest you try this one out...

24 11 2012

  • 5 Push Jerks 135lbs/95lbs
  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24"
  • 15 Kettlebell Swings 55lbs(24kg)/35lbs(16kg)
  • 10 Push Jerks
  • 20 Burpee Box Jumps
  • 30 Kettlebell Swings
  • 15 Push Jerks
  • 30 Burpee Box Jumps
  • 45 Kettlebell Swings

Which ever weight you use for the push jerks, stay with that weight for the entire WOD. Unless you feel as if you can go up from 95 to 135, same goes for the kettlebell swings!


This week, Joe Lengel Jr. who was 57 years old, was shot and killed while he was opening up his gym in Toledo, OH.  He was a CrossFit competitor and finished 6th in the Masters 55-59 division, his first year entering the Games!  Today, CrossFit affiliates worldwide are honoring Joe with a workout his 2 sons put together. 


10 Rounds of:

  • 10 Thrusters 95/65
  • 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 57 Double Unders


Here is a link to, it has tons of movements and exercises used in crossfit.  If you dont recognize one on a WOD you are getting ready to do, take a minute and check it out and see how to perform the movement correctly.....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Time To Run

Time to run fast!

If you have a mask........WEAR IT!

23 11 2012

  • 1 mile run
  • 1 min plank
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions
1 minute rest
  • 3/4 mile run
  • 1 min plank
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions
1 minute rest
  • 1/2 mile run
  • 1 min plank
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions
1 minute rest
  • 1/4 mile run
  • 1 min plank
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 back extensions

For those of you who don't know what a WOD is......


So, FRAN is one hell of a WOD, and even more it will stomp the living shit out of your ego.  So like most people say, "Leave the ego at the door, and shut the fuck up and lift!"

Three rounds, 21-15-9 reps of 95-pound barbell thrusters and pull-ups, all done for time.

Perform 21 thrusters followed by 21 pull-ups, 15 thrusters followed by 15 pull-ups, and 9 thrusters followed by 9 pull-ups. As fast as humanly possible.

Fran is CrossFit’s 100m sprint. It's a measure of fitness and a benchmark that can be monitored over time to record an increase in power. As a budding CrossFitter, your Fran time may be well around the 12-minute mark. As you stick with the CrossFit-style programming, a few months down the line you may shave 3-4 minutes off that time. Therein lies the beauty of the workout. How much faster can you perform these same movements over these same rep schemes from Day 1 to Day 101?

for time:
  • Barbell Thrusters
  • Pull-Ups

Here are a few times to compare yourself to:

Rich Froning 2:17
Matt Chan 2:48
Jason Khalipa 2:23
Rebecca Voigt 4:57

These are also some members on TEAM USA for the CrossFit Games

Where do you compare?


So, people have been asking me for this one.  "Hey whats fight gone bad, is it a good one?"  Well here you are.  Go for reps, AMRAP( As Many Reps As Possible)!!! track your score, and the next time you feel up to do this one again, blow that score out of the fucking water!

23 11 2012
"Fight Gone Bad!"

  • Three rounds of:
  • Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
  • Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
  • Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
  • Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
  • Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


So, with roughly 3 more weeksto go to get some barbells in my life, I'm hitting the gym hard with core and cardio again.  No time to bullshit!


4 rounds of:

  • 1/2 mile run (fast pace)
  • 40 cable crunches
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20ft walking lunges
  • 50 floors stair master



Todd Love | Embrace Adversity

Todd Love is a 22 yr old veteran who has lost both his legs and his left arm while serving his country in Afghanistan in 2010.  Todd had to learn how to walk and use his prosthetic limbs while trying to recover from the IED blast that he suffered from.

Todd, despite losing both legs and an arm while serving his country, inspires not only wounded warriors from combat, but people everywhere with his motivation to not let anything keep him from pushing himself and raising the bar each day.

He competed in the new crazy race known as the "Spartan Race". Which consists of 75 different obstacles seperated by a total of 10.5 miles.  Barbed wire, walls, ropes, open water swimming and other challenges are included in this race all for a damn good challenge.  Something any person can complete and say "I did that!" Only if your up for it!

Todd, along with fellow veterans and members of his team "X-T.R.E.M.E." went through this race, Todd on his hands, completing every obstacle they faced.  It's not the person who came in first, but this team, who was clapped in at the finish line and cheered for because they stood for something more than first place.  They finished as a team, and left no man behind.  To see someone of Todd's statue finish something so difficult and make sure he finished with his friends gave the crowd everything they needed to be inspired by a group of guys who can now say, "I did that!".

Ohhh and did I mention, Team "X-T.R.E.M.E." completed the Spartan race while wearing gas masks!  Close the fucking book!

Congrats Todd! Team X-T.R.E.M.E.!

“I did it to push myself in all things physical, proving that overcoming obstacles isn’t just something you attempt, it’s something that you embrace.” ~Todd Love


Being thanksgiving, I am thankful for a lot of things.  Serving my country, my wife, friends, family, and lastly all of the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for their country.  Today is a tradition in which we honor them, and by that, i mean we soak up all the pie and whipped cream, the stuffing and turkey and cut the bullshit and bust our asses through this workout!



for time:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Abs....... everyone wants them.  Here are a few tips that may help you reach your goals.  Well first things first, lay off the damn sweets!

  1. To start this off, first thing is sweets.  Drop them, stop eating them and don't think about them.  You can do 1000 sit-ups everyday for the rest of your life, if you dont lose that extra layer of fat that is over the abdominal muscle you bust your ass day in and day out to get you wont ever see them. Which takes me to my next point....
  2. Cardio, it is a must that should be implemented into your routine if you plan to shed that extra fat off to show those abs you busted your ass for.
  3. Correctly eating, eat breakfast, it boosts the metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs for the day.  It keeps the body from breaking up muscle after hours of no intake.  Eat small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism up.  However, don't go overboard on dinner or the hours past, People aren't as active after dinner which shuts your metabolism down and your body stores all that unwanted fat and calories.  Each meal, on average, every 2-3 hrs should contain some sort of lean protein to keep your body from breaking up muscle for energy.  Eating constantly doesn't speed up your metabolism, but it does keep it burning calories for energy all day long!
  4. Lift weights, if your reading this, you already do, if not, what the fuck?  Lifting weights burns calories and builds muscle all over the body. With correct form on each exercise, you should be using your core which also targets your abs.  Cardio will get you to see these abs you desire, however without hitting the gym and throwing some weights around you lack developing the muscle we call abdominals to begin with.
  5. Stay hydrated, drink water consistantly throughout the day.  If you sweat a lot during your workout replace water with a sports drink to replenish the salts and minerals you lose through sweat.  Eat fruits before you workout rich with potassium like bananas and apples.
Bottom line, if your tired of being fat, tired of not getting the results you wish, Drop the Sweets, Drop the soda, pick up a bottle of water, eat all day (healthy), follow a weight or muscle building routine and burn as much fat as you can!  Until that fat is burnt you wont ever see what you have hiding under that lard!

Friends don't let friends skip leg day

It has been brought to my attention that there is a handful of shit's in this world that don't workout legs.  So, here is some insight as to why this is one muscle you will regret skipping...

  1. First off, when you exercise your body releases natural growth hormone when strain is put on your muscles.  Legs being the biggest muscles in your body help release a great deal of growth hormone not just forcing your legs to grow, but your whole body.
  2. Symmetry, if your going to gain muscle, gain and build it evenly throughout your body.  Your muscles support eachother.  Your biceps support your back, your triceps support your chest and that goes the other way around.  Each muscle supports another.  So if you got scrawny little legs, thats one hell of a deadlift and row you can support for your back.
  3. Being the bigger muscle, your body has to produce more lactic acid which provides your body with more energy which is necessary to burn calories and fat cells.
  4. Along with burning calories, the energy alone will boost your metabolism more during a leg workout rather another bodypart. 
  5. Bigger, Faster and Stronger.  Need I say more?

To sum it up, if you have goals in fitness, weight loss, mass building or even just cardiovascular, you wont get far skipping the most important day of the week. LEGS DAY, It's just like breakfast, DON'T SKIP IT!

I mean, sure go for it, you to could look like this........

friends dont let friends skip leg day


20 11 2012

So last night I decided to hit the gym a little harder to keep in decent shape while my fracture recovers.  I put together a circuit that had me damn near meet "pukie" between each run.  When people are in the gym staring at you like your crazy, it's usually because, to them, YOU ARE!  Lets see if they will throw there vests on and go through this one in a cast.....


1 round for time

with body armor/or 40lbs vest

  • 1/4 mile run
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 air squats
  • 1/2 mile run
  • 30 leg raises
  • 30 air squats
  • 3/4 mile run
  • 40 leg raises
  • 40 air squats
  • 1 mile run
  • 50 leg raises
  • 50 air squats

I got finished in 25:59.....

Total of:
2 1/2 miles ran
140 leg raises
140 air squats

Try this one out if you wanna burn some fat!

Post your times and thoughts in the comments

Monday, November 19, 2012

Whey Protein

So I just woke up, and I figured what better thing to do than tell you one of the most important things you should do each morning, consume protein!  Your body, on average went roughly 5-8 hours with nothing being fed to it.  This starts muscle break down.  To prevent this, you need to fuel your body from those hours of rest and no intake.  What better way to do that then with Whey Protein.

Whey Protein

  • There are 2 types of whey proteins: Isolate and concentrate.  Concentrate is typically 75% pure protein by weight, Isolate being typically 90%.
  • Research has shown that this fast digesting protein is filled with BCAA's (Branched-chain amino acids) containing the highest levels known in any natural food source.
  • Whey protein is known throughout the fitness world for its fast digestion that gets protein to where it is needed fast!
  • Whey protein as well as a muscle building supplement is a great antioxidant that helps boost the bodies immune system.
  • Whey also has a major roll in muscle building and strength gains.  It is known for its fast speed that aids in the recovery of muscles.
  • A few great food sources that contain whey protein are: Chicken, Turkey, Lean red meats, Eggs, Fish and Cheese (which is also high in fat).

Whey protein, If your in it to see results, gains and strength, then you wont get far without this supplement in your diet.  Consuming Whey in the mornings prevent the body from muscle break down.  Try taking some prior to a workout and dont be surprised if you have more energy from the nutrients, oxygen and hormones that were pushed to your muscle.  It's cheap and it works, get with the program!

recommended uses:

30-40 grams in the morning to stop muscle breakdown
20 grams 30 minutes prior to your workout to fuel your body
40 grams post workout to give your muscles what they need to repair and recover themselves for your next appointment with the weights

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Rich Froning, 2011-12 CrossFit Games Champion, earning title of fittest man on earth.  Here is an example of one of the workouts Rich used to prepare himself for the 2012 CrossFit Games....


3 rounds for time:

  • Barbell/Kettlebell thrusters (95lbs)
  • Burpees
  • Power Clean
30 reps (185lbs)

Post your times and thoughts of Rich's workout in the comments


So, to kick off the day with some common knowledge, here are a few good reasons you should drink water consistantly throughout each day.  Sure everyone knows it's the best way to hydrate, it's great on a hot day and it's free!  However, how many people knew this:

  • Great hydration means great strength.  By letting your hydration levels drop by just 3% your strength levels can drop by 15%
  • Staying hydrated keeps you awake and provides energy for your body. Lack of hydration throughout the day will have you feeling fatigued all day.
  • Water aids in the digestive system, helps push muscle-building nutrients from your protein shakes/bars and meals to your muscles to begin the recovery process quicker.
  • Water is the main ingredient that makes up the fluid between your joints known as synovial fluid.  Healthy joints prevent injuries which could keep you out of the gym/box for weeks!

All in all, drink water.  Drop the soda, drop the juices and pick up a gallon and finish it today!


I often get asked," Hey what's the best thing for fat loss..." "What are the best supplements to take?" Honestly, the best thing you can do for you physical fitness and health is soak up all the determination and dedication you have within yourself and hit the fucking gym! Results are not instant, if it were that easy no one would deadlift!

Here is a pic of a gym built by Soldiers over here in Afghanistan.  If they can work with this, you can make something happen.......

GET AT IT`!!!! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Wont Get Me Down"

So, with a little fracture in my right hand I'm going to have to lay off the weights and focus more on endurance and core for the next 4 weeks.  This isn't going to just be time off.....Come on......This wont keep me down....

"Wont Get Me Down"
With body armor, or weight vest

2 rounds:
  • 1 mile run
  • 10 min stairmaster
  • 10 min of plank
  • 50 leg raises
  • 50 kettlebell/dumbbell squats (55lbs)
Try to break the 10 minutes of plank and leg raises up in to the least amount of sets possible

This is a good one for core, legs and cardio........ should be fun!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Just Cause

Just Cause.......... People need to know the truth

A Little Bit Of Happiness

So, we still have 1 week left of German Volume Training.  Which I have to admitt has been kicking my ass the past 5 weeks.  This is what's on tonights schedule, followed by one of our dearest Crossfit Girls to let you know your still not as tough as you thought you were!

  • Skullcrushers
10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 (10 sets)
  • Dips
failure-failure-failure-failure-failure (5 sets)

  • Barbell Curls
10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 (10 sets)
  • Reverse EZ-bar curls
15-15-12-12-10 (5 sets)

As if this workout isn't already enough, we're throwing Helen into the mix to let us know she can still kick our asses! Times will be posted tomorrow for what we got. Post your times and thoughts in the comments! ENJOY!


3 rounds for time:

  • 1/4 mile run
  • 55lbs kettlebell/dumbbell swing 21x each arm
  • 12 Pull-ups


The WOD for today is brutal.  It's named after Army Sergeant Thomas Macpherson, 26, of Long Beach, California. who was serving on his fifth deployment with 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment.

Sergeant Macpherson was shot and killed while leading his soldiers in a close fight with the enemy.

He was remembered by the 2 traits "commitment and courage"

So today, take what ever commitment and courage you have, remember Sergeant Macpherson, and follow this one through to the end!


for time

1 round of:
  • 1 1/2 mile run
  • 50 barbell thrusters (95lbs)
  • 75 Deadlifts
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 125 24" box jumps
  • 150 Dips
  • 1 1/2 mile run
partition all excercises except for the runs. Start and Finish with the 1 1/2 mile run!

post your times and thoughts in comments

In memory of Army Sergeant  Thomas Macpherson who was killed Oct. 12 during a firefight in the Ghazni province in Afghanistan as he led an assault against an enemy position, MacPherson was a team leader assigned to Delta Co, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.


So last night we did our weekly shoulder routine and wanted to kick the shit out of ourselves so threw this one together.  I call it "PUKING".  Because after each round I thought thats exactly what me and the guys were going to do! Enjoy!


for time

4 rounds of:
  • 500m Row
  • 10 Burpee Pull-ups
  • 20 24" Box jumps
  • 1/4 mile run
You'll definitely want to quit after round 3, but trust me.  Round 4 is the one that counts! KILL IT!

Post your times and thoughts in the comments

Thursday, November 15, 2012


The infamous "300" workout

I'm throwing this on here to give you something to do when you feel down or depressed.  Do this workout, and think back before you began it and know now.... It can always be worse!


for time

  • 25 pull-ups
  • 50 deadlifts of 135 lbs.
  • 50 push-ups
  • 50 box jumps onto a 24-inch-tall box
  • 50 one-count "floorwipers" with 135 lbs.
  • 50 clean and presses with a 36-lb. kettlebell
  • 25 pull-ups

  • post your times in the comments. ENJOY!


    Felt like I needed a good workout today, so we decided to go with "MURPH".  Murph came from a workout known as "body armor" which was Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy's favorite workout. 

    So if your up to the challenge, throw on your body armor or a 20lb vest and lets get to work!


    for time
    -1 mile run
    -100 pull-ups
    -200 push-ups
    -300 air squats
    -1 mile run

    partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats as needed

    "Ne Desit Virtus"
    Let Valor Not Fail

    In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

    post your times and what you thought of "MURPH"